Should I Worry about Rising Cryo Business Insurance Costs in the Future?


Cryotherapy businesses with insurance contracts have been experiencing premiums increase. In 2021, concerns about rising cryo chamber insurance and cryotherapy insurance as a whole have emerged in online discussions.


Increasing insurance premiums have even hit some companies that have had no claims or made changes to their contract.

What are the reasons for these higher rates? Should you be concerned? 

Reasons for Rising Cryo Chamber Insurance Rates

Business insurance rates were rising even before the coronavirus pandemic hit. In fact, general commercial charges rose by 11% in the last quarter of 2019.¹

What contributes to changes in your insurance premiums?

Overall Industry Risk Assessment

Cryotherapy is a relatively new business in the US, having been around for the last few decades. Insurers will tend to adjust their rates as they better understand the industry.

Insurance risk and premiums will change for everyone in the industry with the number of claims.

Reduced Insurer Competition

Many large insurers have failed over the last few years. Others are struggling to make sustainable profits. Fewer insurers reduce the supply and increase the price of getting a cover.

Business Uncertainty

If your premiums have spiked over the last year, it's most likely due to the increased risk of business failure. This is based on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

How To Avoid High Insurance Costs

Shop for the Right Insurer

Do not settle for the first insurance company that gives you a quote. These firms charge different prices depending on factors such as their market reputation.

You should look around for an insurer that offers reasonable rates. Always make sure you look into the contract offers to ensure you are well covered.

Invest in Trusted Machines

Some insurance costs will depend on your company’s risk level. A huge factor when running the business is the integrity of the cryotherapy machines used. 

Investing in reliable equipment reduces risk, lowering your cost. A good example of such a machine is the XR cryo chamber from Cryo Innovations.

Check for Unneeded Coverages

Look into all your insurance contracts and confirm that you are correctly covered. Businesses sometimes pay for overlapping or unneeded covers, increasing insurance costs.

Reviewing Customer Feedback

Any changes in the quality of your service will be first noticed by your customers. Reviewing feedback from your clients helps you find and correct these issues. For insurable items, this will reduce the number of claims, reducing your premiums.

Should You Worry About the Rising Cryo Chamber Insurance Premiums?

Business insurance in the cryotherapy industry is increasing. This should however not be a major concern for entrepreneurs. The challenges leading to the increases in premiums are mostly temporary.  There is also a high chance of future stagnation or reduction in the prices.

Business risk caused by the coronavirus pandemic is also likely to decline soon. The distribution of the vaccines in 2021 is picking up, with herd immunity likely to be realized soon.²

As with every business, market forces will eventually balance the insurance gap caused by:

  • Companies leaving the industry

  • Increased competition among insurers

This will likely result in competitive prices.

As insurance companies get a better knowledge of the industry, the risk assessment will go down. The cryotherapy industry is also becoming more regulated, which will help. This will result in a more favorable calculation of the premiums charged.

Founded on facts: for peer-reviewed articles, scholarly journals, and articles cited above please see the below sources.

  1. Global insurance prices

  2. Insurance challenges kpmg