What Are the Benefits of Having a Mobile App for Your Business?


Having your own mobile app for your cryo business is the next step in growth innovation. In the past, mobile apps were reserved for large companies. The reduced cost of running the apps has, however, led to increased adoption by smaller companies.

To illustrate this, 96% of Americans own a cellphone. Young people between the ages of 18 and 49 make up a huge percentage of this number.¹ Thus, cryotherapy businesses seeking to remain relevant have to make use of this technology to attract new clients.

Whole Body Cryo Chamber Innovation Through Mobile Apps

Mobile applications are the future of cryotherapy business customer outreach. Customers find them convenient, which has led to their increased adoption. 

Here are three reasons you should adopt mobile apps for your cryotherapy business.

Enhanced Customer Support

Customer support is an important aspect of the cryo business. The industry is relatively new & growing, and innovation is vital.

Your app will ensure that you have customer feedback promptly and cheaply. Customers can also book appointments in advance. This will allow you to tend to the needs of specific customers since you understand them better.

58% of small-business owners find word-of-mouth as the most effective kind of advertising.² Clients that are happy with your customer care process are more likely to promote your business to their friends. Consequently, a mobile app can help you achieve this kind of customer loyalty.

Better Product Promotion

The cryo industry is very competitive. Therefore, entrepreneurs have to come up with enticing promotions to attract new clients. Consequently, most companies use discounts on purchases, cross-selling, and up-selling as the main marketing tricks. In addition, most others invest in an innovative cryotherapy machine

Having a mobile app will help you communicate the offers to your customers. You can also tailor promotions to your clients using exclusive offers. Consequently, this makes it easier to reward those most loyal to your business.

Building Your Brand

An average person spends about 2 hours on their phone every day.³ This makes branding through phone apps a good investment.

By downloading your app, your clients have an intimate interaction with your brand. Thus, this makes it harder for them to leave for the competition. In addition, the reputation of being tech-savvy also helps you reach other potential customers.

Adopting Whole Body Cryo Chamber Innovation Through Applications

Standing out is an important aspect of the cryotherapy business. You need to differentiate yourself from the competition to increase your market share. A good way to do this is by creating a mobile app for your business.

A mobile application can be rewarding to your company. A simple app improves the company's customer support system, product promotion, and branding. Technological advancement has also made creating one easy and inexpensive. 

Founded on facts: for peer-reviewed articles, scholarly journals, and articles cited above please see the below sources.

  1. Tech Innovation - https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2020/09/30/tech-innovation-how-a-mobile-app-can-change-your-business/

  2. Sales tricks - https://www.cnbc.com/2017/07/07/a-marketing-trick-slack-used-to-become-a-multibillion-dollar-company.html

  3. Cellphone usage - https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2019/aug/21/cellphone-screen-time-average-habits