The Real Secret to a Brazilian Butt

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What does ultra famous Brazilian Actress and Supermodel Cleo Pires do to maintain her glowing skin and firm body?  At 37 years old she does a lot and her hard work has landed her multiple covers in GQ, Marie Clare, In Style, and even Playboy. Voted as the Sexiest Woman in Brazil in 2014 she uses whole body cryotherapy to rejuvenate her skin and help her recover from regular workouts that help her maintain a stunning figure.  With so many fads about Brazilian Butt Lifts and bikini boot camps around we wondered, what do the actual Brazilian women do for a great rear end?

Hold a Pencil in My Buttcheeks?

The Pencil Test: if the pencil falls out the muscles are not strong enough to hold the glute up properly.

The Pencil Test: if the pencil falls out the muscles are not strong enough to hold the glute up properly.

Yes, this is an actual thing to determine if your glutes are shapely enough to be called a Brazilian Butt.  Women have spent millions on exercise videos, classes, and #2 pencils to achieve this shape, but unfortunately most have only become frustrated in the process.  Most women who build a better butt do so through leg and glute workouts; however, some lose interest quickly because of the pain involved and the delayed onset muscle soreness.  Cryotherapy can help you stick to a workout routine by making your exercise recovery less painful and reduce your inflammation so that you can keep working out throughout the week.  

How do Brazilian Women Diet?

Known for their voluptuous figures Brazilian women face the same struggles as everyone else.  Cleo Pires is an award winning actress and singer, and at age 37 she has become more vocal about her health habits and the struggle to maintain a red-carpet image.  With nearly 12 million Instagram followers she has become an influencer for a healthy-body worldview. In an interview with Somag News (a Brazilian news outlet similar to People magazine), Cleo said: “I’m not desperate (to lose weight). I never want to go on crazy diets anymore. I don’t want this routine of taking things, losing weight and then getting fat all over again, because that’s the story of how I want to be healthy, be happy.”¹

Does Cryotherapy Help Lift My Butt?

Cryotherapy helps the entire body, including the largest leg muscles in the quads and glutes, by reducing inflammation and nourishing the muscle fibers with oxygen-rich and nutrient-dense blood.  Women who perform glute routines using lunges, squats, and other large-muscle exercises are often very sore. Cryotherapy can reduce that soreness and help build healthy muscle in less than 3 minutes.  If you are thinking of adding cryotherapy to your workout and beauty routine to improve your derrière your entire body will experience the benefits as well.  

Learn more about the benefits of cryotherapy and go through the many cryotherapy clinical studies.

  1. Translated from original

NOTICE: Information contained within this website and on all materials, communications, or presentations by Cryo Innovations is for informational purposes only.  Whole Body Cryotherapy is neither designed nor advised for treatment or cure of any illness or disease. No cryotherapy chambers (including the XR) have been tested or approved by the FDA.  Please consult with your medical professional before beginning any cryotherapy. All material contained within this site is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission. All rights reserved. For permissions contact Cryo Innovations.

Mike Bakke