Ask The Nurses: Contraindications


What are contraindications?  Cryo Innovations asked Registered Nurse Jenny Irmgard this question.  Mrs. Irmgard holds an earned Masters Degree in nursing, works as a surgical nurse, and is also a coach and former professional athlete.  According to Mrs. Irmgard:

Nurse Irmgard competing in AVP Sacramento

Nurse Irmgard competing in AVP Sacramento

Contraindications are health conditions that must be addressed by your primary care physician before you can use a cryotherapy chamber or any type of exercise or exercise recovery.  These contraindications includebut are not limited toheart conditions, vascular problems, respiratory conditions, skin wounds, UTI’s, or diseases of the organs.  Make sure you check with your medical doctor who is familiar with your health and medical history. ¹

Cryotherapy is Advanced Athletic Recovery

Cryo Connection - Tampa, FL

Cryo Connection - Tampa, FL

As a college and professional athlete Jenny understands how important recovery is after exercise. In an interview with Cryo Innovations she explained her past experience: “I have done more ice baths than most people I know, and I know a LOT of athletes! Ice baths help but it just takes a lot of work and time to benefit from it. Cryotherapy is next level, faster, and a superior recovery method.”

Cryotherapy is an advanced form of recovery.  During the 3 minute session your the surface of your skin will be chilled from a normal range of 91°F down to nearly 45°F.  This initiates a natural response similar to the fight-or-flight response experienced during an emergency. Just like jumping into a very cold pool this will cause your body to react by shunting the surface area blood of your body to the warm inner core to protect your organs.  While it is in your core it is oxygenated and enriched with inflammation reducing enzymes and nutrients. Once your 3 minutes are over this enriched blood returns to your skin and skeletal muscles and you benefit from its effects.  Muscle soreness will be reduced, exercise induced micro-traumas will heal faster, and your complexion will improve as it is also a skin treatment.

Do I Have to be Healthy for Cryotherapy?

Just like when you go to the gym you have to be healthy enough for exercise.  Cryotherapy is similar in that you must not have any health conditions that may be aggravated by the process.  Make sure you consult with a licensed medical doctor before trying cryotherapy, and make sure to review the list of contraindications carefully before every session.  Your health and your safety are our primary concerns and we want you to enjoy your sessions as much as possible. If you have any questions please give us a call or review the numerous clinical studies about cryotherapy on our website.

To submit a question for our Medical Review Board contact us here.

Learn more about the benefits of cryotherapy and go through the many cryotherapy clinical studies


  1. For a complete list of contraindications click here.

NOTICE: Information contained within this website and on all materials, communications, or presentations by Cryo Innovations is for informational purposes only.  Whole Body Cryotherapy is neither designed nor advised for treatment or cure of any illness or disease. No cryotherapy chambers (including the XR) have been tested or approved by the FDA.  Please consult with your medical professional before beginning any cryotherapy. All material contained within this site is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form without prior written permission. All rights reserved. For permissions contact Cryo Innovations.

Mike Bakke